Dynamic support and advice

Pharmacies’ Sector is one of the main areas of specialization of SHC Advisor. This sector has become particularly dynamic as a result of the update on the “Annual Law for Market and Competition” (l.n.124 of August 4th, 2017),
entered into force on 24 August 2017) which also extended to companies with share capital the possibility of being holders of private Pharmacies at a regional level not exceeding 20% of the total of existing businesses.
SHC Advisor offers, also in this sector, its consulting services both in support of investors who have started a development path through the acquisition of Pharmacies in Italy, and support to pharmacists who intend to give up their business.
Currently many acquisitions have been successfully completed and many projects are being finalized.
Our Services related to targeted Pharmacies:
  • identification on the entire Italian territory
  • organizational, economic – patrimonial analysis
  • valuation (Enterprise Value/Equity Value)
  • support to investors and business owners throughout the acquisition process


  • 1
    Local Presence

    Continuous search for target Pharmacies

  • 2
    Match between supply and demand

    Selection of Pharmacies to better fit investors’ objectives

  • 3
    Acquisition Process

    From the letter of intent to the closing deal